PTA Newsletter
Dear Parents,
This Friday is the school's Chinese New Year (CNY) party in Homestead High School's cafeteria. The classrooms will be closed. Please go directly to the cafeteria. Also, please bring a dish (hopefully related to CNY) to school to share with others. Each class will have it's own table to place their food. The party begins at 7 PM. So it is best if you can bring your dish at 6:45 PM. Post-It will be available on the table for you to label the food's ingredients for people with food allergies. The school will provide plates, fork, napkins, and water for everyone. The students should sit in their assigned tables at the beginning of the party. Afterwards, everyone can sit anywhere (except for one table which is reserved for teachers only). Food will be served for the first 45 minutes. Then followed by a short performance. After that, student council has provided games and prizes for the students and games for adults to play. Others can continue to eat and chat. I hope everyone enjoys the evening of socializing and fun. The party will end at 8:45 PM and clean up begins. If you have signed up as a volunteer, please check your email and pick a time slot to help. Finally, on behalf of all the Board members, we wish everyone: 新年吉祥 (Good Fortune in the New Year) 合家幸福 (Happiness to Your Family) 四季平安 (Year-Round Peace and Prosperity) 龍馬精神 (Great Vitality of a Dragon and Horse) 大吉大利 (Great Fortune) 心想事成 (May All Your Dreams Come True) 財源廣進 (Abundance of Financial Resources) 年年有餘 (Financial Surplus Year After Year) PTA Director, Ken Law |
Parent Participation
Our school is a non-profit organization run entirely by parents. To help ensure an effective education for our children, WVCLS is dependent on all parents to help with the administration of the school.
Please read the following policy carefully to better understand how you, the parents, can best support WVCLS: Traffic Duty / Security Patrol
Our classes are distributed throughout the assigned classroom building, surrounded by multiple open areas and parking lots. Maintaining a secure and safe environment is very important to the School community. Parents share the responsibility of monitoring traffic at the drop-off zone, patrolling the classroom building, and overseeing the yard during recess throughout the school year. On your assigned days, please remember to report to the school office no later than 6:30pm! Interested in taking an Adult Chinese Class?