Dear Parents,
The school is recruiting parents to be Board members. All Board members are volunteers trying to make WVCLS a great school to learn Chinese. Basically, the Board handles all the administrative and social activities of the school. Finally, by volunteering, you show your commitment to Chinese school which hopefully this will reflect on your child's commitment to learn Chinese. Here are some myths some may have.
As you can see, a Board member does not require much except your dedication to creating a better education for your child. So consider joining the Board. The Board welcomes you. Here are some important dates to note. May 11: You are invited to attend the last Board meeting of the year to hear about the activities planned for the graduation ceremony. This meeting is a great opportunity to experience what it is like to be a Board member. The meeting begins at 7:15 PM in Room B108. May 18: Putonghua Final Exam (for grade 4 and above). Last day for early registration for next school year. Returning students can register on line at Payment can be done via PayPal or personal check brought into the school office. New students must register at the school office. May 25: Final Exam for all grades. Jun 01: Promotion Ceremony Thanks and see you all in school. Ken Law and Olivia Tam PTA Directors
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Dear Parents,
Some news regarding the school. On-line Registration for Returning Students. The school now has on-line registration for returning students! The form will be available this Friday, April 13 to May 18 at You will have two options to pay for next year's tuition. The first option is to bring the check to the school office on Fridayevening. The second option is to pay via PayPal (details in the online registration form). Of course, returning students can still go to the school office to register. New students must go the school office to register. No Class on April 20 Next week is Spring Break for Homestead High School. The school is closed. So no Chinese school classes on April 20. Survey of Adult Conversational Cantonese Class West Valley Chinese School has some parents interested in forming a Conversational Cantonese Adult Class to be taught at the same time as their child is in school on Friday night. Now the school is doing a survey to see how many people are interested. If we can find 10 or more parents to attend, we can form the class. Here is the link to the survey ( Please respond by May 11. Thank-you. Ken Law and Olivia Tam PTA Directors Dear Parents,
This Friday is the school's Chinese New Year Party in the cafeteria. Please bring a dish (and serving utensils) to share with your fellow classmates between 6:30 and 7:00 PM. Also, please label the ingredients of the food as some students may be allergic to certain food. You can enter the your dish to the food contest (must be submitted by 6:45 PM for judging). The party begins at 7 PM. Please have your student sit in the assigned table at the beginning of the party. This will allow the teachers to easily check attendance. After getting food, everyone can sit at any table. This year, the school will also have a roast pig for the party. Be sure to get some. At 8 PM, there will be a short performance by the C-Adv and C-AP classes. The games will start at 8:15. This year, student council wants to promote Chinese culture by bringing three sets of mah-jong and two sets Chinese chess for parents and teachers to play. Parents can continue to socialize and try other dishes from the other classes. The party will conclude at 9 PM. Just a reminder that there will be no school on Feb. 23 because of Winter Break. On behalf of entire board of West Valley Chinese Language School, we wish everyone: 新年吉祥 (Good Fortune in the New Year) 合家幸福 (Happiness to Your Family) 四季平安 (Year-Round Peace and Prosperity) 龍馬精神 (Great Vitality of a Dragon and Horse) 大吉大利 (Great Fortune) 心想事成 (May All Your Dreams Come True) 財源廣進 (Abundance of Financial Resources) 年年有餘 (Financial Surplus Year After Year) Ken Law and Olivia Tam PTA Directors P.S. Thanks to C-Adv teacher, 羅老師, for the English translation. Dear Parents,
Plenty of things happened since the last update. School Website Have you visited the school's website lately? ( It has been updated (actually, the website is completely new). Lots of effort have been put into it by fellow board members: Heidi Wong, Lydia Chan, and Ken Ng. Thank-you! Please check it out and give us feedback. You should visit it regularly for updated information about the school. School Event Pictures The yearbook committee is looking for pictures to put into this year's yearbook. If you have taken any photos of any school events or in the classroom, please submit them to Heidi Wong ( [email protected] ) for consideration. Adult Cantonese Conversation Class The school likes to know if there is sufficient interested in forming an Adult Cantonese Conversation class for the next school year. The class will be held on Friday evenings from 7 to 9 PM. The school requires a minimum number of parents to sign up before the school can form a class. The school will notify the interested parents by the end of April if there will be a class. If you are interested or want to know more details, please send an email to: [email protected] with subject "Adult Cantonese Class". Chinese New Year Party The Chinese New Year (CNY) Party will be on Feb. 16. Students should report to the cafeteria and not their classrooms. The parents will be asked to bring a Chinese New Year dish to share with fellow classmates. Parents may wish to enter their dish to the food contest. Two prizes will be awarded. This potluck will be during the first hour. The second hour (in addition to the potluck) will also include games for the students and adults (thanks to the School's Student Council for organizing this). More details next week. Upcoming school events and important dates to note. Feb 09. Class Observation. This Friday, parents will have the last opportunity to give feedback on the class. Class observation takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Your valuable input will help improve the class and school. Please pick up and return the class observation form to the office in the Student Center. Feb 16. Chinese New Year Party. Chinese New Year Party/Potluck will be in the cafeteria. Do not go to your classroom on this date. Feb 23 No School (Winter Break) Thank-you. Ken Law and Olivia Tam PTA Directors |