Dear Parents,
Two important pieces of news to pass on this week. First is WVCLS Scholarship. Second is Chinese New Year Party. First, WVCLS is delighted to announce that our school is once again offering merit scholarship to our current WVCLS students who are juniors or seniors in high school with the intention to matriculate at a college, university, or higher education institution. Each qualified and selected winner will be awarded a scholarship to cover part of their tuition, fees, or expenses while attending college. Please encourage your son/daughter to apply. Detail requirements, description of the process, and application form can be found and downloaded from our website: The deadline is March 1, 2019 and the scholarship will be awarded in May, 2019. The school looks forward to giving out the scholarship to the successful applicant(s)! 親愛的家長們, 我們很高興地宣布,我們學校再次提供優秀獎學金,以我們目前的WVCLS學生誰是在高中大三或大四的意向錄取的學院,大學或高等教育機構。 每個合格和選定的獲勝者將獲得獎學金,以支付自己的學費,雜費和費用,同時上大學。請鼓勵你的兒子/女兒申請。 詳細的要求,過程的描述和申請表格可以從我們的網站下載。截止日期為三月一日,該獎學金將授予在五月二零一九年。 Second, Chinese New Year (CNY) is major celebration at the school where students can have fun and parents can socialize. The school is hosting a CNY party and pot-luck in the school's cafeteria from 7PM to 9PM this Friday, Feb. 08. Here are some important things to know:
On behalf of the WVCLS Board, we wish everyone: 新年吉祥 (Good Fortune in the New Year) 合家幸福 (Happiness to Your Family) 四季平安 (Year-Round Peace and Prosperity) 龍馬精神 (Great Vitality of a Dragon and Horse) 大吉大利 (Great Fortune) 心想事成 (May All Your Dreams Come True) 財源廣進 (Abundance of Financial Resources) 年年有餘 (Financial Surplus Year After Year) PTA Director, Ken Law
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