Dear Parents,
This Friday is the school's Chinese New Year (CNY) party in Homestead High School's cafeteria. The classrooms will be closed. Please go directly to the cafeteria. Also, please bring a dish (hopefully related to CNY) to school to share with others. Each class will have it's own table to place their food. The party begins at 7 PM. So it is best if you can bring your dish at 6:45 PM. Post-It will be available on the table for you to label the food's ingredients for people with food allergies. The school will provide plates, fork, napkins, and water for everyone. The students should sit in their assigned tables at the beginning of the party. Afterwards, everyone can sit anywhere (except for one table which is reserved for teachers only). Food will be served for the first 45 minutes. Then followed by a short performance. After that, student council has provided games and prizes for the students and games for adults to play. Others can continue to eat and chat. I hope everyone enjoys the evening of socializing and fun. The party will end at 8:45 PM and clean up begins. If you have signed up as a volunteer, please check your email and pick a time slot to help. Finally, on behalf of all the Board members, we wish everyone: 新年吉祥 (Good Fortune in the New Year) 合家幸福 (Happiness to Your Family) 四季平安 (Year-Round Peace and Prosperity) 龍馬精神 (Great Vitality of a Dragon and Horse) 大吉大利 (Great Fortune) 心想事成 (May All Your Dreams Come True) 財源廣進 (Abundance of Financial Resources) 年年有餘 (Financial Surplus Year After Year) PTA Director, Ken Law
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Dear Parents,
Another year has gone by quickly. We have two more classes before the Winter break. Here are some events happening during these two weeks. Friday, Dec. 13: · Parents are welcome to attend your child’s class during the first half hour to observe the class and give comments back to the school. The class observation forms can be picked up in the hallways. · Raffle ticket goes on sale beginning this Friday in the Student Center. The price is $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets. The raffle draw will be next Friday, Dec. 20 at 9 PM in the Student Center. The school is also looking for donations as prizes for the raffle draw. Please consider donating a new item as prize. Proceeds from the raffle will go to the school's operating fund. · Also, we will have badminton in the Homestead Gym. Come by and do some exercise and chat with other parents. Friday, Dec. 20: · Each class will be having their class picture taken with Santa Claus in the Student Center. Student council will be decorating the Student Center for Christmas photos. You are welcome to use the backdrop to take pictures for your family. · Also, after recess, Santa Claus will be visiting the CK to C3 classrooms to sing Christmas Carol and photos. · In class Christmas party near the end of the class, the room parents will be asking for your assistance for the party. · After class (at 9 PM) in the Student Center, the school will be having a raffle draw for various prizes. Historically, this event is filled with excitement and fun. Tickets are $1 per ticket or $5 for 6 tickets and can be purchased in the Student Center until 9 PM. The drawing begins at 9 PM. Thank-you and see you at school. PTA Director, Ken Law Dear Parents,
Last week's many parents attended a discussion on how parents are preparing their student for high school and college. I think everyone got something out that evening. John Raftrey, the college counselor, information and his slides can be downloaded from the links below. Also, student council is extending the Second Harvest Food Drive to this week as well. You can still donate on-line at . The class with the most donation (per student) will win a pizza party for the class. Please note that student council will not be accepting food donations this Friday. On behalf of all the board members at WVCLS, we wish everyone to spend time with friends and family and have a Happy Thanksgiving! PTA Director, Ken Law Dear Parents,
Thank-you for your support to "Family Fun Night" last week. Many families purchased pearl milk tea, popcorn, and tickets to the game. The kids had a fabulous time. The fundraiser sponsored by the Student Council was a success. This week, the school is having their monthly board meeting to discuss school matters. All parents are invited to attend and participate in room B108. There will not be any badminton this week because of the Board meeting. Next badminton session is Dec. 13 because of other school functions and the Thanksgiving holiday. Next Friday, Nov. 8 is class observation. Parents are encouraged to attend their child's class during the first half hour to observe the classroom and give feedback to the Board. Forms can be picked up in the hallway to fill out. Please return the forms to the Student Center. Nov. 15, the school has invited a college counsellor to visit and talk about what parents can do to help their child prepare for college. The talk will be from 7:15pm to 8:00 pm in room B108. After the talk, there will be a question and answer session where parents can ask specific questions. Hope to see you there. As the holiday season approaches, you might want to consider donating to WVCLS and have your employer match your donation. This is a great way to help the school financially. Finally, the school would like to remind the parents about their volunteer duty. Mandatory volunteer service is one way the school is trying to keep the tuition low. If you are unable to volunteer on the assigned date, you can ask another parent to swap the date. But you must notify the school in advance that another parent will be replacing you. Thank-you for your cooperation. Don't forget to move your clocks one hour forward this Sunday morning as we go back to standard time. PTA Director, Ken Law Dear Parents,
Last week, the parents had a fantastic time playing badminton in the Homestead High Gym. Coach Ng showed us the rules of badminton and some ways to improve our swing. We will have another session this Friday.. The annual price has been reduced to $90/year. This is a great deal to play badminton in your own court for two hours. If you are interested, you can pre-register at this link. It is great fun and have some exercise at the same time. Be sure to bring your racket, dress in gym clothes, and wear non-marking shoes. The gym will provide feather birdies. Also this Friday after school, the Student Council is organizing Family Fun Night. party/donation after school (9 pm to 9:45 pm) in the Student Center. The party will have games and prizes. Tickets for the games will be sold at the door. In addition, you can buy snacks (pearl milk tea and popcorn chicken) at the party. The pre-order form for the snacks is at and they can be picked up is at 9 pm. All proceeds will go to Student Council. Be sure to attend this fun event! Dear Parents,
Welcome to 2019-2020 school year. Things have started slowly. But now, we have exciting news about some events to share with you. First is that the school will be having badminton classes on Friday nights from 7 to 9 pm at the Homestead High School Gym . Parents and friends can come to learn and play. Please dress in gym clothes and non-marking shoes. Also please bring your own racket. We will have a badminton coach who can give you tips on how to improve your game. The coach is Ken Ng, one of the Board members who also teaches badminton at Mission College. We are very fortunate to have him as coach. To offset the expenses, the annual fee is $100 for 11 sessions which includes the usage of birdie. We will limit 24 players per evening. Drop ins ($15/session per person) will be permitted if space is available. The first session is this Friday, Oct. 18. If you are interested in joining the class, please fill out this Google Form to show your interest. Then print out this waiver form and bring it to school on Friday Oct 18. Finally, pay your fee on Friday to guarantee your spot. The second piece of news is that the school has invited a college prep counselor, John Raftrey, to talk to us about how to prepare your child to college. The date is Nov. 15 from 7:30 to 8:15pm in Room B108. He will talk to us about how some parents to prepare their children for college. Afterwards he will be available for questions and answers. Below is a John's biography. Also coming up will be Back to School Night on Oct. 25 from 9 to 10 pm. This is a Student Council Fund Raiser event where the kids can purchase tickets ($0.50 each) to play games and receive prizes. There will also be pearl milk tea and snacks for sale. More details next week. Thank-you. PTA Director Ken Law Dear Parents,
Two important pieces of news to pass on this week. First is WVCLS Scholarship. Second is Chinese New Year Party. First, WVCLS is delighted to announce that our school is once again offering merit scholarship to our current WVCLS students who are juniors or seniors in high school with the intention to matriculate at a college, university, or higher education institution. Each qualified and selected winner will be awarded a scholarship to cover part of their tuition, fees, or expenses while attending college. Please encourage your son/daughter to apply. Detail requirements, description of the process, and application form can be found and downloaded from our website: The deadline is March 1, 2019 and the scholarship will be awarded in May, 2019. The school looks forward to giving out the scholarship to the successful applicant(s)! 親愛的家長們, 我們很高興地宣布,我們學校再次提供優秀獎學金,以我們目前的WVCLS學生誰是在高中大三或大四的意向錄取的學院,大學或高等教育機構。 每個合格和選定的獲勝者將獲得獎學金,以支付自己的學費,雜費和費用,同時上大學。請鼓勵你的兒子/女兒申請。 詳細的要求,過程的描述和申請表格可以從我們的網站下載。截止日期為三月一日,該獎學金將授予在五月二零一九年。 Second, Chinese New Year (CNY) is major celebration at the school where students can have fun and parents can socialize. The school is hosting a CNY party and pot-luck in the school's cafeteria from 7PM to 9PM this Friday, Feb. 08. Here are some important things to know:
On behalf of the WVCLS Board, we wish everyone: 新年吉祥 (Good Fortune in the New Year) 合家幸福 (Happiness to Your Family) 四季平安 (Year-Round Peace and Prosperity) 龍馬精神 (Great Vitality of a Dragon and Horse) 大吉大利 (Great Fortune) 心想事成 (May All Your Dreams Come True) 財源廣進 (Abundance of Financial Resources) 年年有餘 (Financial Surplus Year After Year) PTA Director, Ken Law ![]() Dear Parents, Thank-you to all the parents who attended a Class Observation and filled out the form. Your input will help guide the Board on your child's Chinese education. This week, Student Council will be setting up a Christmas theme to take photos with Santa. From 7 PM to 8 PM, the teacher will bring the students to the Student Center to take a class picture with Santa Claus. The teachers know their photo schedule. During recess, student council will meet in the Student Center for their picture with Santa. For the CK to C3 classes, Santa will visit their classroom after recess. At 9 PM, you may use the school's Christmas decoration in the Student Center to take pictures with your family. Finally, the school is having a Christmas Raffle at 9 PM. The prizes include gift certificates, chocolates, and other prizes. The proceeds will go to the school's operating account. Tickets will go on sale at 6:30PM in the Student Center for $1 for one raffle or $5 for 6 raffles. Come and support the school. On behalf of all the Board members at West Valley Chinese School, we wish you and your family a Happy Holidays to spend with your friends and family. We will see you in 2019! PTA Director, Ken Law Dear Parents,
Christmas Holidays are fast approaching. I just want to update you with the various events happening in the next two weeks. Fri. Dec. 14: This is the third and last class observation opportunity. To participate, attend your child's class between 7:00pm to 7:30pm and observe the teacher and students for at least 15 minutes. Then provide your feedback on the survey form. The form is available from:
Christmas Raffle. The school is holding a Christmas Raffle to raise funds for the school. Tickets will be on sale this week and next week in the Student Center. The raffle will be on Dec. 21 at 9pm in the Student Center. The price is $1 per raffle or $5 for 6 raffles. Christmas Raffle Donation. The school is looking for donations for the raffle draw. If you have any NEW item to donate, please take a picture and send it "[email protected]". We will notify you when to bring the item in. Company Matching Donation. The school anticipates a deficit budget this year. Please consider donating to WVCLS to help your child's Chinese education. Many companies have matching donation. This is a win-win for the school. The school's tax ID is 23-7037404. Fri. Dec. 21 (looking ahead): Your child's class will be taking a picture with Santa Claus. More details next week. Christmas Party in the classroom. The teacher will be allocating some time for a Christmas Party. The room parents will be organizing the party. Christmas Raffle. There will be a school fund raiser at 9pm in the Student Center. More details next week. Thanks. See you in school. PTA Director, Ken Law Dear Parents,
I just want to remind you that there is no Chinese school this Friday, October 19. Also next Friday (October 26), the Student Council will be hosting the "Family Fun Night" party/donation drive after school from 9:00 pm to 10:00pm in the Student Center. The party will have games and prizes. Tickets for the games will be sold at the door. In addition, you can buy snacks (pearl milk tea, popcorn chicken, and egg puffs 雞蛋仔) at the party. A pre-order form will be sent out next week and snack pick-up is at 9 pm. All proceeds will go to Student Council. Be sure to attend this fun event! PTA Director, Ken Law 10/12/2018 |