Our last class observation opportunity will be held this Friday, 2/9/18. Parents may pick up an observation form at the Student Center or in the hallway on each floor of Building B before visiting their child's classroom. Completed questionnaire should be turned in to the school administrator at the Student Center. Feedback from parents is valuable to the teachers and the school.
Parents who submit a completed form will automatically enter a raffle for prizes. Raffle drawing will be held during the Chinese New Year Party on 2/16/18. 本校最後一次的觀課日將於本週五,2/9/18舉行。 家長可以在學生中心或B樓每層樓的走廊拿一張觀課表, 然後前往教室裡觀察。 完成問卷後,請交給學生中心的學校管理員。 老師和學校均非常重視家長們的反饋。 提交完整表格的家長將自動進入獎品抽獎。 抽獎活動將在2/16/18的農曆新年派對舉行。 Our school is once again offering merit scholarship to our current WVCLS students who are juniors or seniors in high school with the intention to matriculate at a college, university or higher education institution.
Application requirements and detail information can be found on our scholarship webpage. The deadline for submitting application is March 30, 2018. The scholarship will be awarded in June, 2018. 本校將再次提供優秀獎學金與校內合資格學生。 凡就讀高中Junior或Senior又有意升學至大學或大專學院的同學均可申請。 有關報名詳情和表格,請瀏覽本校的獎學金網頁。報名截止日期為三月三十日。結果將於六月公佈。 |
April 2021