Welcome to the 2019-20 School Year!
It has been a long, interesting summer, and we are ready to get back to our routine! Please mark your calendar for the following important events: Friday, August 30th - First Day of School Friday, September 6th - Parent Information Meeting for AP Class Friday, September 13rd - Back to School Night Our school continues to accept enrollment applications. On-site registration sessions will be held during the first two school days (8/30 and 9/6) from 7 to 8 p.m at the School Office located inside the Homestead High School Student Center. Continuing students who have not yet registered are encouraged to register online. We look forward to having a wonderful year with you and your child together! 2019-20學年快將開始。各家長敬請留意幾個重要的日子: 八月三十日 - 開學日 九月六日 - AP 家長資訊日 九月十三日 - 家長會 / 教師家長日 有意就讀本校的學生可於八月三十日或九月六日前往校務處 (Homestead High School Student Center) 提取及遞交申請表。返校生可自行於網上注冊。 |
April 2021