Early Registration is now closed.
Families may still register for 2019-20 using one of the following ways: Register Online
Get ready to register for the 2019-20 school year!
WVCLS would like to invite interested families to register early, as early birds get to enjoy discounted tuition! Our early registration period begins next Friday, April 12th and ends on April 26th. Please visit our Registration Page for more information. WVCLS的2019-20學年提前註冊期限將從4月12日星期五開始,至4月26日結束。 凡於此期限前報名的學生均可享有學費折扣。 請瀏覽我們的註冊頁面以獲取更多信息! The ANCCS 2019 Academic Contest held this past Sunday was fully concluded. This year, our students competed in Cantonese Speech, LongDu, Pecil Calligraphy, and CFL-CSL LongDu. As always, our students gave great performances and took home some prizes! Congratulations! 2019年北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽圓滿結束。 今年,西谷學校的同學們參加了粵語演講、粵語朗讀、鉛筆書法、和CFL-CSL朗讀。 一如以往,同學們出色的表現令他們奪得不少獎項! Many thanks to Philip Wong who took a lot of lovely pictures that day! More of his pictures can be found in the school album.
April 2021