The WVCLS Student Council will be hosting the "Family Fun Night" party after school from 9:00pm to 10:00pm at the Student Center. Please come and join them for a night of fun, games, and prizes! Families may also pre-order snacks online at All proceeds will go to the Student Council to support its activities.
Our school offers class observation opportunities to our parents throughout the school year, and the first one is coming up this Friday, October 12. During the observation session, which is between 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., parents can sit-in their child's classroom, observe the class for at least 15 minutes, and provide feedback on a survey form. It is a great way for a parent to engage and help shape his/her child's learning experience.
Parents may access the survey form from either one of the following ways: 1. Pick up a hard copy at the entryway of the first and second floor in the classroom building; 2. Print out a copy here; 3. Fill out an online survey here. Parents who return a completed survey to the school office on the observation day or submit the online survey will automatically enter a drawing at the Chinese New Year celebration party! 為提供家長們一個觀察班房活動並幫助塑造孩子們學習經歷的機會,本校將於十月十二日星期五進行首個觀課日。由晚上七點至七點三十分,家長們可以在班房內觀課大概十五分鐘,並在問卷上提供反饋。 家長可以從以下途徑取得觀課問卷: 1.在教學樓的一樓和二樓的入口處; 2.自行打印一份 (請按此); 3.填寫網上問卷 (請按此) 在觀課日到學校辦公室遞交問卷或完成網上問卷的家長將自動獲得中國新年慶祝派對抽獎的機會。 |
April 2021